
Not the Droid He Was Looking For

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They’d already warned him that Vision didn’t ‘do’ walls. But when the time came when Vision phased through the walls of the Avengers facility, the prior knowledge did nothing to abate the scare Peter Parker had experienced.

“Oh… my… God! I was NOT ready for that!” Peter exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air, in protest of being caught off guard.

“I apologize if my sudden appearance frightened you. It was not my intention.” Vision apologized to Peter, who was facing the opposite direction to process what had just happened.

“It’s OK…” Peter turned around and assured him, not wanting their final interaction before a mission to be uncomfortable.

“Uh… Vision. Can I ask you something?” Peter asked, a little hesitantly due to what he was about to ask.

He had never gotten the chance to talk one-on-one with Vision. And he had no idea whether Vision was an alien such as the ones that had invaded New York, or if he was Tony Stark’s own creation. So, Peter decided to find out.


“Did Mr. Stark build you? Like his Iron Man suit? Because androids aren’t exactly his specialty.” Peter tried to defuse such a personal question with a joke about Tony’s expertise.

“No, he did not. The body you see today, was created under the orders of Ultron. He intended to use this body as a vessel to destroy humanity.” Vision informed Peter, making his eyes widen. It reminded him of his favourite film series; Star Wars. In the imagination of the 15-year-old, it was as if Ultron had taken the Emperor’s role and had ordered the construction of the Death Star in the form of a robot.

“Did the Avengers defeat you?! I mean him?” Peter asked excitedly and quickly corrected himself, eager to find out what happened next.

“I was given a life of my own and fought alongside them, until every last remnant of Ultron was gone.” Vision explained, silencing the usually chatty Peter. His impression of Vision had been wrong. The android was not a walking Death Star. He was much better than that.

“So, you’re like C-3PO.” Peter spoke, breaking the silence after a moment of reflection.

“I am not familiar with that name.”

“C-3PO. He’s a droid in the Star Wars movies. He was built by the bad guy when he was a kid, but then Threepio helped the rebels! Evil origins. Good droid.” Peter summed up C-3PO’s history for Vision, recognizing the value in the android.

“That is an intriguing observation.” Vision politely remarked and began walking away.

“They’re awesome movies by the way. You should watch them.” Peter added, as Vision walked ahead of him, still within earshot.

“I shall have to try them someday.” Vision turned around and acknowledged Peter’s advice with a smile.

“Really?! I didn’t think you’d listen to me!” Peter exclaimed, unable to believe that Vision had taken his fanboy recommendation seriously.

“It is my intention to experience the riches of this planet. If you say they are excellent films, then I shall endeavour to see them.” Vision told Peter. His faith in Peter’s word making the teen smile.






I got a bit excited about the Vision name drop in Spider-Man: Homecoming. So I decided to use Peter’s love of Star Wars to make an analogy about Vision and to imagine what their interactions would be like.

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Ready2Create's avatar
I love that analogy you used with how Peter first views Vision:
"the Death Star in the form of a robot"  :D

So cool!

"Did the Avengers defeat you?  ..I mean, him?" 
I really like how you give Peter this eagerness to hear the story

"The Android was not a walking Death Star. He was much better than that." 
That realization on Peter's part was genus, his ability to see Vision is not a bad guy and never was.

This was truly just as heartwarming as it was an entertaining story,
Thank you for sharing it :lol: